a series of short stories

i’ve been busy a lot lately. here are some sketches i’ve done when i’ve had the chance to:

hey look behind you, there's a distraction! also the picture says 'don't screw up now'

stay goofy


"terry stabs a cube". it is a heart wrenching story of love, loss, and stabbing cubes

a giraffe, nothing more, nothing less.


3 comments about “a series of short stories”

  • euterpe says:

    I’d just like to say, that I love your work. Everything you do is amazing and creative and makes me happy. You are my inspiration. I just wish I was awesome enough to come up with and draw such awesome stuff.

    I also have commented on your other things , but I felt like particularly commenting lots on this one because it was only just uploaded.

  • Woohoo! This is awesome. You’ve got talent, and you’ll go far with it.

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