i draw stuff. this blog is made of that stuff.
if you want to talk to me (feel free), send and email to john at zappablamma dot com, or send me a tweet, or ask me something on tumblr, or just put a comment somewhere.
if you want to buy something i’ve made send me an email and we’ll talk about it. i’ll probably set up a store later when i get my act together.
Your cute.
nice drawings :D
Hey mate, it’s the “civil conversation guy” from Omegle.
Love the stuff, emphasis on LOVE!!!
Maybe by fate, we’ll meet again on Omegle.
You look a tad like Thing 1 or Thing 2.
Also terrified of moths. Also butterflies. Would absolutely love to know why!
love :shades:
Yep, I am also very scared of moths.
Is there any connection between the amount of jammy dodgers you eat and the amount of milk you drink?
you would think, but i don’t think i’ve eaten a jammy dodger for about 6 months :(
I like your comment box =D
I just wanted to know if you made this web site yourself. if you did (it’s a blog so i assume you did….) then can you tell me where you got this wonderful comment box from.
I need one for my website, and idk how to make it =/
plz mail me at that mail that was required but not published, so that i can know how to make a comment box, and do useful things like make a comment box.
i couldn’t choose one drawing to comment on because i liked so many! you made me laugh & now i’m in a much better mood. looking forward to mooooore
I spend too much time looking at these.
I just stumbled onto your site. It makes me smile. My best friend and I lived off jammy dodgers when we lived in London a while ago. It’s the splodge of jam in the middle that got us. Have a marvelous day. :)
Ha ha… stumbled across this site.
You and your drawings are brilliant, had me in tears.
Ben – Melbourne – Australia
What is a “jammy dodger” please?
p.s. I am an American’t. (can you tell? ;op)
it’s two sugary biscuits with jam in the middle to keep them together. tastiest thing ever created.
they look like this: http://www.gamesetwatch.com/jdodg.jpg
Try deviantart.com if you want to simplify your publishing/shipping.
i used it a long time ago, but i stopped because hate deviantart with a passion.
“I’m terrified of MONTHS”
is how I read your first fact, first time through…
“moths” is equally funny
I like your stuff. I also like your hourly comics. I like the math jokes and other such logicart.
Is your hair still blue?
If so, that’s awesome :3
You should make shirts with your drawings on them. I would buy one or twelve for sure.
Best dinosaur. Of all time. All. Time.
Aha! a fellow milk lover! I knew they existed!
I really like your style and humor! I look forward to checking in often!!
Golly Moses, I love this site! You are now on the invitee list for my dream dinner party. I’ll seat you next to Steve Buscemi.
haha I like your drawings :)
They’re quite nice :D
why does google say you linked to my blog?
someone must have clicked on the link you left when you wrote a different comment; you linked there, not me.
I’m glad we have the jammy dodgers question solved . . . I was sitting here thinking they were jam-filled doughnuts.
i love john
that would be quite logical, but before i posted that comment i’d never been here before. :S
I’m glad though even if it was a weird bug because i like your comics. :D
I stumbled across one of your works on a bus stop post in south norwood, actually. One of a little elephant, on one of those adhesive stickers. I was amazed! So I decided to google you. Unfortunately, its been washed away by the british rain.
I love all of your work, I always have little giggles at your adorable drawings. You rock.
Jammy dodgers and milk are my staple foods!
oh wow, i didn’t think anyone noticed those things, i’m glad you liked it :D
i had a large stash of them but then i lost my wallet and i haven’t really got round to making any more. i might have to invest in more sticker paper
I loved it. It was so adorable, I took a picture :D
Please do. And stick them all over the place :D.
I go to that school just down the road from that bus stop, so feel free to stick stuff on it
(If you decide to invest in sticky labels) :D
Do you hate moths cos they look like zombie butterflies?
just wondering how long did it take to actully get good at drawling ur pics cuz i keep practicing and i like drawling but i just cant seem to get passed the stage where u dont no wat to drawl but u want to
Hey just found this and its made me want to put alot more effort into drawing. ( i go to a art school so i have all the drawing time i want)
Love the art and your humor John. I too love jammy dodgers, although I didnt realize that until I looked them up. (here they call them Fruit Cremes) Thanks for the giggles and dont stop!
Your amazing keep it up <3 im jerans mate :)
Рисунки действительно запоминающиеся. здорово придумано. иногда помогает)
You know, I got bored today, but then I found you! I absolutely love your work! The contrasting colors and the (I think) hilarious dialog between some of the creatures within the art is well-played! Thank you so much for setting up this site, and I will tell my friends about it, too!
Hey, one of your drawings was posted on George Takei’s facebook page today, but your signature was cut off. Just thought you should know and you should get credit.